TRANSCRIPT: This is the script and description of the comic, for purposes such as accessibility and internet searches.
(It's Margot Dee Bianca, all grown up with a black turtleneck, silver ornamented belt, and long, straight
black hair. She's dolled up for a disco club, with colorful lights and people making time in the background.)
(Same disco club, elsewhere on the floor. Vitus has a pleasant expression and double finger guns for a busty lady. She is waving him off dismissively. She's too cool for him.)
VITUS: Pardon me, mada-
LADY: Beat it, junior.
VITUS: That's fair.
(Dramatic close-up of Margot's eyes. She's noticing something.)
(Vitus stands with Farley, both in full disco era regalia. Farley has a sporty jacket opened to reveal a fuzzy chest with a gaudy gold chain. He's got rings on his fingers, a toupée, fake moustache, and fancy glasses on his head. Vitus is in high-waisted tight pants with a big belt buckle. Margot is in the background observing Vitus, less with a look of lust than a look of WTF this is the vampire guy from that truck stop bar.)
VITUS: Wish I could grow a damn moustache, Farley.
FARLEY: Get a mockstache, like me.
VITUS: I just might.
(Farley looks distracted by some kind of concern, Vitus by the quest for nice ladies. Margot feels she's gotten his attention and points at herself suggestively. Your move, Vitus.)
FARLEY: Seen Cartilage about t'night?
VITUS: Afraid so. (He notices a sexy lady and mumbles in her direction.) Hello...
FARLEY: Poor Grace. Where's he left her now?
(Vitus floats away to introduce himself to the sexy lady. As it turns out, he was looking at a
big tall woman behind Margot, with dark skin and a short wavy perm. Margot looks cranky.)
VITUS: 'Scuse me Farley
(Grace has pounced on Farley, rocking the toupée and glasses from his cranium. She is a small child with a full head of tawny babyish loose curls.)
(Farley didn't manage to catch his cool glasses as they went to the floor, but he does have his toupée in one hand and Grace in the other. In the panel we also see Vitus dancing with the big tall lady. In the background Margot is getting hit on by a shaggy blond dude with thick facial hair.)
FARLEY: Where's your dad, Grace?
GRACE: Where's your hair Farley?
(Farley is still holding Grace up, trying to keep the tone serious.)
FARLEY: Very droll. Now spill.
GRACE: Oy, Hash Pipe Harry's rebrandin'...
(Grace points at her dad Cartilage over in a dark corner with the artist formerly known as Hash Pipe Harry. Cartilage is buying heroin. He looks like a douchey butt rock fan - bowlish mop of hair, moustache, goatee, and denim jacket. The pusher man is in an olive drab army jacket and dark shades.)
GRACE: ... Dad sez the new medicine will take t'edge off t'coke.
FARLEY: Savage. |