The cluster of spiders drifted slowly on the wind, slower than he did in his humanoid form. Theodore loved it when his consciousness could split this way, hundreds of eyes all seeing different things, but sharing the same thoughts.
Our Lord God is truly amazing..
He pondered a moment, before realizing that all of him were heading to the water below.
No! Drat! Oh my foolish impertinence! Wait... Don't I have something for this? Some... thingie... oh what was it?
He felt out his own mind, and recalled an old trick. A north-eastern wind blew by and the spiders scattered on it, safe from the time-wasting, languid waters of Harlan bay.
Good! I forgot about that one, how handy. Can I...?
A south-western wind blew as well, and scattered half of the spiders in the other direction. Soon he was spreading out over the city in tiny, many-legged form.
Time to get the latest gossip! all of him thought. |