TRANSCRIPT: Coming soon.
(In a candle-lined environment of Helen's design, she embraces sad Vitus friendfully.)
(The two sit barefoot on a heavily cushioned couch, wine glasses of red in hand.)
(Close-up of Vitus bowing his head and closing his eyes in a self-pitying kind of face.)
(Vitus is distracted as he tries to untangle his thoughts and Helen has a hand over her heart in a sympathetic gesture.)
(Vitus looks mildly curious and Helen has assumed the classic gossip pose with one hand on a drink and the other gesturing conspiratorily.)
JACK: What’s wrong?
KARL: N-nothing?
Why would...?
(Vitus looks surprised and Helen continues to explain.)
JACK: You stiffened up
--and not in the
good way. Well not
that I’ve
(Close-up of Vitus again, perhaps a little angry, wondering what this all means.)
KARL: Sorry...I know it’s really you,
but it’s like all this time you’ve been in a-
(Apparently Jack's apartment has developed furnishings and he has developed enough trust to have invited a few more people. There are candles on the table and Thierry leads Jack, Darren, and Allison in some kind of ritual. The youths are holding hands.)
KARL (VO): refrigerator.
(Thierry speaks from off panel while Jack and Allison exchange slight but earnest smiles.)
JACK: Are you trying to say
you’re too cold?
KARL: ...Exactly.
(Back to Thierry as he gesticulates and asserts his magicky Will.)
KARL: I’m sorry, I really don’t
want to ruin this.
JACK: Dah, don’t worry
about it.
(Jack looks shocked as a ghostly flame leaps from his chest. He is wearing a black tank top with a pink-eyed white cat on it.)
KARL: I don’t think that’s
JACK: Give it
your best.
(The youths are shocked and Darren pulling the funniest face, Thierry is looking wickedly confident, and he is manipulating the flame. It is still anchored at Jack's chest, but snakes across the table and has something of a face now. There are holes in the flame for eyes, pointed ears, cartoonish fangs, and a lolling tongue.)
KARL: Wow, everything
just shut off
by itself?
JACK: Oh yeah,
it’s cool
like that.
(Thierry holds the thing by its tongue. It looks miserable and he is angry and forceful.)
(The kids are shocked - again Darren with the silliest face - as the thing transforms into a tiny spirit seated in Thierry's palm. Thierry is happy. The little thing is light purple or pink with skinny legs in a suit and head in a top hat. It is not happy, but seems resigned.)
VITUS: Considerably
more... powerful.
(The kids are shocked - again Darren with the silliest face - as the thing transforms into a tiny spirit seated in Thierry's palm. Thierry is happy. The little thing is light purple or pink with skinny legs in a suit and head in a top hat. It is not happy, but seems resigned.)
VITUS: “How would you like
to become-- --Considerably
more powerful?”