TRANSCRIPT: This is the text of the comic, for purposes such as translation and internet searches.
FARLEY: So why is the Circle
making lil kiddles?
VITUS: It's a mystery, frankly.
Abrupt isn't it?
FARLEY: Gah, hope it ain’t a plan
to destroy us fer good.
Cuz it ain't gonna work.
VITUS: Maybe ask your progenitor,
what's his name again?
FARLEY: Hah! Nice try Whitestone,
you know I can't tell you.
Think it'd THAT easy?
VITUS: Worth a try...
GRACIE: Look I brought you a
fancy lad!
FARLEY: What am I ‘sposed to
do wi’ that?
GRACIE: Dunno, maybe
look good on
a bookshelf.
FARLEY : So any questions for
us freaks, lil Jack?
JACK: Um, so the stories about Crowboys aren't true?
FARLEY: What stories?
JACK: Ummmmm, throwing babies
off roofs and stuff?
VITUS: Not me! Demetri!
FARLEY: Yea, they
ain’t true.
FARLEY: Some others ain’t as
amiable as us,
but wouldn't you be a
little rowdy with the Circle's
jackboot on yer neck?
JACK: I didn’t believe
it or anyth--
FARLEY: I need some air...
GRACIE: No you don't.
GRACIE: Bye pritty one
don’t let the door
hit yer arse.
JACK: I didn’t mean to upset them!
VITUS: Just a touchy subject.
No harm. So lesson?
JACK: Don't listen
to Demetri?
VITUS: Well... no, but...
maybe a good idea. |