TRANSCRIPT: This is the text of the comic, for purposes such as translation and internet searches.
(Thierry and Allison roll up to a dilapidated skyscraper in a cold dismal corner of the spirit world. Claude is still in motorcycle form.)
(They look upon the building with apprehension somewhat muted by daysickness.)
THIERRY: This is it?
(The exterior at the ground floor has a rather fancy façade. The heroes are silhouetted against it.)
ALLISON: Hot damn, it’s on.
(Allison regards Claude and Claude regards Thierry with his big motorcycle peepers.)
ALLISON : Thanks buddy.
THIERRY: Now make
yourself useful!
(Allison's shades dangle from her top and Thierry's are up on his forehead. Allison clutches
Claude, who has returned to tiny form, with eyes glowing for use as a flashlight. The interior
is all falling to pieces with layers of cracked and peeled wallpaper.)
ALLISON: This looks healthy.
(Thierry appraises the situation seriously, Allison rolls her eyes.)
ALLISON: It really doesn’t look healthy.
THIERRY: No shit.
(They've reached an area of the ruin with tile walls, and Claude now sits on Allison's shoulder. He looks back.)
ALLISON: Why hang out here?
He just really had to
play up that evil clown
thing huh.
THIERRY: Yeah it's a bit much.
(Now Allison and Thierry can sense it as well - a sound from behind them in the hall.)
(Malformed grey slimy monsters look miserable in a small mob, Allison holds them at bay with a pipe pulled from the ruined ceiling.)
ALLISON: Take me to the clown!
I don’t got time for
any fuckin’
(Thierry finds them unpleasant, but they must have been cowed by Allison's
demands. One is pointing the way and they are all keeping their distance.)
THIERRY: Damn...
ALLISON: Now go take a shower
you weirdos.
(Clyde sleeps on a hammock in a ruined room, looking human-like in his
'Minchin Lives' hoody. Allison & Thierry quietly discuss the situation from off panel.)
ALLISON: Wow. Okay sooo...
now what?
THIERRY: Good question. |