Oh man, if you haven't been offended by this Kingfisher page, you're probably never going to be. I didn't realize how shocking it was until I painted all the blood in. Dang. I hope we can do something again with our new friends Marcus and M. Vicier, because I love drawing them now. This page got extremely international. Please note that I am purposefully having Marcus speak in Italian, I didn't mix it up with French. xD Again, if I butchered anyone's mother tongue, please berate me thoroughly.
This Wednesday will be the funtime bonus, which is gigantic-er than I planned, but I hope you will love it. Other site stuff, on the index page you can check out the results of the poll, and my responses to some questions and requests. I want to build a FAQ/lore/etc page soon, so I've also added a Formspring to the main page (right next to the post --->) which you can use to ask questions about anything you like, though things about the Kingfisher rather than my favorite breakfast food (oatmeal) and sock color (red) might be more useful. :) <3