The comic is delayed by the lack of time to work on it last week. Bonus art! Also, I may yet have to symbolically torture or kill the sun some more before the summer is out. H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8 H8.....
(In a panel framed by drapes and guns, Darren is kneeling before Sketchy Mark in a knighting ceremony. Darren is clad in scruffy wear, with two handguns strapped to his leg and his hands resting on the handle of an assault rifle. Sketchy Mark has his floral print shirt but also a crown and robe. He is knighting Darren by resting a shotgun on each shoulder. Darren has symbolic wings made of deformed hands clutching oversized firearms and the background has a faint repeated motif of Minchin's clown face crying. Minchin's blue is the only color in the otherwise black and white image. The text above is olde tymey and reads, "The Knighting of Sir Darryne Gunful by Marke, Yon King of Sketchie.")