VISUAL CAPTION: This is the description of the bonus art, for purposes such as accessibility and internet searches.
(Vitus and Jack are rendered in the style of Matt Groening's Simpsons. Jack is much smaller, taking the part of a young boy.)
VITUS: Boy, did you eat the heart of somebody much cooler?
JACK: Don't have a cow, man.
(Now Vitus is choking Jack.)
VITUS: Why you little-
Outside the Panels.)
(At the bottom of the page outside the panels, all of the older vampires that still survive in the comic are rendered in the Simpsons style. They are standing around looking goofy, with Sarah in the form of a Sarah-headed bat perched on Ellen's head, and Thierry in the form of a Thierry-headed cat with its front paws up on Florence's big shoes. The full list from left to right - Sarah, Ellen, Aubrey, Helen, Florence, Thierry, Demetri, Florence, Lucricia, Theodore, Consuela, Clyde, and Olga.)